Local Vestavia Resources

Vestavia Hills City Hall:  https://vhal.org/

Vestavia Hills Chamber of Commerce:  https://vestaviahills.org/

Vestavia Voice Community News:  https://vestaviavoice.com/

Social Media:

City Facebook: @CityofVestaviaHills

City Twitter: @VestaviaHillsAL

VHPD Facebook: @vestaviahillspolice

VHPD Twitter: @VHPD1032 

VHFD Facebook: @VestaviaHillsFire

Library Facebook: @LibraryintheForest

Vestavia Hills City Schools Facebook: @VHCSchools

Vestavia Hills City Schools Twitter: @vhcschools

Action Center:  https://vhal.org/action-center/ – Access the Action Center to: request a new garbage or recycling cart; request bulk debris pickup; report road conditions (including pot holes); submit animal complaints; obtain permissions for block parties; start/stop garbage service; report a parking nuisance; or ask a general question.

Police Department:  https://vhal.org/departments/police-department/

Fire Department:  https://vhal.org/departments/fire-department/

Animal Control:  https://vhal.org/departments/police-department/animal-control/

Trash:  https://vhal.org/departments/public-services/public-works/waste-collection-guidelines/

City Calendar:  https://vhal.org/calendar/ – Contains information on City events; board meetings; etc.

Parks and Recreation:  https://vhal.org/departments/parks-recreation/

Library:  https://vestavialibrary.org/ – For individual City Departments, visit www.vhal.organd click on the drop-down menu for Departments in the navigation bar. Following is a brief summary of each department’s function:

Building Safety:  https://vhal.org/departments/building-safety/ – Assist commercial and residential customers with all aspects of construction and remodeling projects, including required business licenses, construction permits and inspection services.

City Clerk:  https://vhal.org/departments/city-clerk/– The City Clerk serves as the zoning official in the interpretation and enforcement of the zoning code. The Clerk prepares and maintains all ordinances, resolutions, agendas and minutes of all meetings; processes requests for rezoning of property, subdivision of property, requests for variances, annexations and liquor licenses.

Finance:  https://vhal.org/departments/finance/– Collects ad valorem taxes for the City; business license and sales taxes; and handles tag renewals for cars, trucks, motorcycles, trailers and boats, new car registration and handicap placards for VH residents ONLY.

Municipal Court:  https://vhal.org/departments/municipal-court/ – Our court has jurisdiction over traffic/parking tickets, misdemeanor cases and municipal ordinance violations which include court dates, appearances and driving school.

Planning & Zoning: https://vhal.org/departments/planning-zoning/ – Works closely with City Administration to achieve the highest and best use of public and private parcels within the City; includes Planning & Zoning Commission, Board of Zoning Adjustment and the Design Review Board.

Public Services:  https://vhal.org/departments/public-services/ – Includes City Engineering, Public Works and Parks & Rec; responsible for maintenance and repair of the City’s infrastructure, including roads and sidewalks, storm drains, and public grounds and facilities. 

 Senior Services:  https://vhal.org/community/senior-living/ – Includes information on services offered for the seniors in our community, i.e. meal service; transportation; and recreational activities at both the Civic Center and New Merkel House. 

City Projects:  https://vhal.org/community/city-projects/ – Includes updates on road paving/road projects; sidewalk projects; construction projects; and the Infrastructure & Community Spaces Plan.

Vestavia Hills City Schools:  https://www.vestavia.k12.al.us – Click the Facilities drop-down menu to view information about the individual schools in our system.

Vestavia Hills Elementary East:  https://www.vestavia.k12.al.us/eastelementary

Vestavia Hills Elementary Central:  https://www.vestavia.k12.al.us/Domain/9

Louis Pizitz Middle School:  https://www.vestavia.k12.al.us/pizitzmiddle

Vestavia Hills High School:  https://www.vestavia.k12.al.us/VestaviaHigh

Vestavia Belles:  https://vhal.org/community/vestavia-belles/ – High school girls who volunteer as City ambassadors.

Rezoning Maps: http://www.dejongrichter.com/vestaviahills/

Vestavia Hills Board of Education:  https://www.vestavia.k12.al.us/domain/77