
General Guidelines

The city of Vestavia Hills has extensive laws governing animals kept within the city limits of Vestavia Hills. You may download a copy of the ordinance here.

The Countrywood Highlands Covenants restrict pet ownership within Countrywood Highlands to two (2) dogs and two (2) cats per house and prohibits the keeping of other animals, birds or livestock.

Please keep your dog within the boundaries of your property unless you are walking your dog on a leash (in which case, please bag your dog’s poop and do not put your dog’s poop in someone else’s garbage/trash/recycle container).

Barking Dog Nuisance Procedure

The city’s procedure for handling barking dog complaints is as follows:

For questions about the city’s ordinance, you may call 978-0139. To get a Vestavia Police officer to respond to a barking dog, call 823-1153. For the first complaint on a barking dog, a Vestavia police officer will come to the address of the barking dog and make a report. For the second complaint on a barking dog, the owner of the barking dog will be summoned to court and the resident making the complaint must appear in court as well. The owner of a dog found by the court to be a nuisance will be subject to fines and/or arrest.