Thanks to Kathy Smith of Re/Max Southern Homes, your Highlands neighborhood association provides the following statistics on homes sales in Countrywood Highlands and Countrywood. This information may be of interest to residents of the Highlands as they consider the potential fair market value of their homes for many different reasons (e.g. property insurance, property tax, estate tax, income tax, etc.).
Kathy M. Smith
RE/MAX Southern Homes
903 Montgomery Highway
Birmingham, Al 35216
Neighborhood Directory
Additionally, information on all Highlands residents (both new and old) is necessary for the maintenance of the Highlands Neighborhood Directory which is provided free of charge to all Highlands residents who are included in the directory. Finally, if your officers are notified when new people move into the Highlands, your officers will provide a Welcome Wagon service to the new neighbors. So, please call or email Cheryl Cobb at 967-1366 or with the names and phone numbers of new families moving into the Highlands.
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